Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mrs. Claus and her itty bitty elf

It's that time of year again. We could go to the mountains and cut down our own tree in the time it takes me to fluff my branches on our "faux" tree. Does calling it faux make it more socially exceptable to have a fake tree? I guess I have found my favorite holiday canvas. A tree is like it's own piece of art. And most everyone takes part. I love it. It allows everyone to express themselves without even knowing they are artists too. So I am slightly obsessed with this particular shade of blue. And of course that spilled over onto my tree. And the elf. Notice she matches my tree. My favorite ornaments to buy are angels, stars and snowflakes. But hey, who doesn't love the literal symbols of Christmas mixed with a few secular? 


Oh, my little itty bitty elf. Her expression was adorable upon finding a tree with lights in her den after her nap. There were no ornaments hung... so she got to help. It was priceless. With ball in hand, I asked her to show me where it should go. She pointed to a branch on the lowest part of the tree right at her eye level. I hung it. My little elf inspected it and said "cue." (her cute). Then on to the next ball. I thought this was going to be a wonderful time. Then I hung ball number two and she said "no." I pointed to another branch close to the one that she pointed to. Again "no." We did this with a few more ornaments and sometimes I would get a "no, no, no." Wow, little miss priss! Perfectionist maybe! Cutest Christmas moment ever! I bet Nanny was laughing her head off. I am sure that she didn't miss that one.

Itty bitty ELF!!! I should've waited to post until bed time. She covered the kitchen island and herself with the syrup bottle left out from breakfast while I was on the computer. Bathtime here we come.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I just love your Carolina Blue tree!